Crystals grow in the earth’s crust over millions of years at high pressures and heat making them the objects on earth with the most energy. Having a crystal on you or within your electromagnetic field (3 feet surrounding you), raises your vibrational level by refracting and reflecting light into your auric field. This is a process much like acupuncture, which filters out stagnant energy. When using crystal they will also filter their unique properties into your auric field .
Crystals are capable of receiving, containing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting light – the highest form of energy known in the physical universe. They not only move energy around the human form, but propel energy around the globe, and are often utilized within the areas of science and technology. Crystals have been useful in everything from lasers for microscopic surgery to biodynamic farming, but can be found in everyday products as well such as wrinkle cream.
Crystals operate by naturally focusing and magnifying the body’s innate energies, which dissipate and equalize mental, emotional and psychic stress. They further alleviate suppressed or unreleased pain, and help one to make desired shifts in every aspect of one’s being. The results are an elevated quality of life in all areas, including personal growth and optimum health.
For centuries crystals have been used to heal. Such experiences have been documented in Sanskrit and thread various cultures and civilizations throughout time. The Mayans, American Indians, and various Latin American and Indian cultures all contain histories rich with stone healing. It is in fact debatable whether jewellery was originally invented for adornment or healing.
Each gemstone embodies a unique energy with a specific kind of healing.
A crystal healing workshop teaches you how to utilize, energize, manifest and generally benefit from crystal energy. Crystals shift our energy on the basis of moving and magnifying stagnant energy, much like they do in computers and watches.
Understanding how to work with crystals enables any individual to speed their personal growth and evolution, as well as deepen their intuition. Crystals supply healing and energy for a lifetime of use. They empower the individual to be self-reliant in their own healing process and well-being.
Crystal A – Z – A list of some of the main crystals available and how they can help you! Includes images of the beautiful crystals themselves.
Our Crystal Courses – Learn about Crystals and Crystal Healing from beginner to practitioner level. Courses run regularly across the UK and occasionally in Europe and the USA.