Crystal Heaven – USA – April & May 2024

About Us

We have been together for more than 28 years; we set up our holistic business Crystal Heaven in the UK in 2009. We offer healing and Teaching across all of the UK and Internationally. We are both Angelic Reiki Master/Teachers, Crystal Healing Master/Teachers, Usui Healing Masters, Atlantean Healing Master/Teachers and Angel Therapists, Divine Lightworker founders, Angelic Crystal Reiki founders, Angelic Mediumship Master/Teachers, Atla-Ra Founders as well as Ordained Ministers.

We are so excited to be visiting Houston once again in April-May 2024 – offering a range of workshops in several of our specialist areas and private 1 on 1 sessions for healing and guidance as detailed below.

April – May 2024
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
7:00pm to 9:30pm
10:00am to 5:00pm
10:00am to 4:30pm
10:00am to 5:30pm
10:00am to 5:30pm
7:00pm to 9:30pm
10:00am to 5:30pm
10:00am to 5:30pm
7:00pm to 9:30pm
10:00am to 5:30pm
10:00am to 5:30pm
10:00am to 5:00pm
10:00am to 5:00pm
10:00am to 5:30pm
10:00am to 5:30pm

Classes will be held at Transcend Wellness, Jersey Village area, Houston.
Personal sessions will be offered in the Area of the Interstate 10, Energy Corridor, Houston. (address issued when booked)

Offers and Private Sessions
Limited 1 hour Private Atlantean Healing and Angel Intuative Readings also available. More information here. Offer pricing is available for multiple courses – see below for information on this. Contact us for additional options.
Evening Pricing & Offers
All evenings are $50 with a $20 deposit. (SOLD OUT)
Packages: 2 classes $85, 3 classes $125, 4 classes $165, 5 classes $205, 6 classes $245

Evenings Offer – Deposit

Evenings Offer – Balance

Evenings Offer – Full Payment

Classes Pricing & Offers
Standard classes are $300. Atlantean Masters and Angelic Reiki 3&4 are $395 each. All courses require $100 deposit.
Standard Classes: 2 for $500, 3 for $725, 4 for $900, 5 for $1100 or all 6 for $1300
Attend both Master Classes for $700.

Class Offer – Deposit

Class Offer – Balance

Class Offer – Full Payment

Standard Class and Advanced Class – Same Modality
$600. Requires $200 Deposit
Package: 1 standard class and 1 advanced of the same type.

Class Offer – 1 Standard, 1 Advanced

Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioners

This workshop imparts the unique system of healing that is Angelic Reiki and is taught over two and a half days. Students are attuned to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki and a number of treatment methods are taught. The student gains ‘hands on’ experience in the healing methodology and learns how to attune healing tools.


The attunements – which connect students with Healing Angels who will then work with each individual on a permanent basis – incorporate Reiki symbols attuned through the Angelic vibration. These symbols were given to humanity by St Germain at the time of Atlantis.

This workshop gifts you with

  • A complete karma cutting and Angelic clearing prior to each attunement
  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree levels
  • The 7 symbols given are activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
  • An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel Metatron
  • Hands on healing experience of channelling Angelic healing energy, third eye healing, healing with Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers and Multidimensional and Past Life healing.
  • Guidance re self-healing, absent/distance healing, treating pregnant women, children and animals.
  • Advice on healing treatment practicalities
  • Techniques to attune healing tools
  • A Master Crystal to hold the Angelic Codes of Healing
  • A comprehensive practitioners manual
  • Certificate of practitioner achievement to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki
  • As a healer working with Angels in this way, you offer a wonderful service to yourself, humanity, and the planet.

Special offer to those who have already taken the class with another teacher, If you would like to re-sit the class with Crystal Heaven we are happy for you to join us for the cost of just $75.00. If you have taken this class with us and wish to re-sit it will be free (Space dependant)

Booking Information

This is a 2.5 day workshop running from 7.00 pm to 9.30pm on the Friday and 10 am until 5.00 pm on Saturday and 10.00 am until 16.30 on Sunday. Light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st April
Time: Friday 7pm – 9.30pm, Saturday 10am – 5.30pm, Sunday 10am – 4.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Angelic Reiki 1 & 2

Angelic Reiki 3 & 4 Degree Master Teacher’s Class

This workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki Level 1 and 2 certificate and who are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki.

This workshop is taught over two and a half days and is a powerful experience which lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension.   It awakens the Divine within and participants receive a wave of love emanating from the Heart of the Galaxy.   It places students in their own spiritual power and knowledge of themselves as the Ascended Masters they truly are.


As Angelic Reiki teachers, participants can be assured that the Angels will be present at every workshop they teach.   They can be confident that they will be supported by Angels whenever they facilitate attunements.

A special part of teaching this system to others involves participation in healing practice sessions.  It is through these sessions that many questions are asked and answered and the techniques themselves are given and explained.

This workshop gifts you with

  • Revisiting healing techniques taught in the level 1&2 workshop
  • Opportunities to share healing experiences.
  • Healing through eye contact as used in Atlantis.
  • Healing with Soul Group energies
  • Healing with energies of the Divine Presence and Divine Blessing
  • 13 symbols which are a gateway to multidimensional healing, activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree levels
  • Gifts of higher knowledge given by the Sarim, the Princes of the Angelic Kingdom
  • Healing practice sessions
  • A comprehensive Master Teacher manual
  • Certificate of training achievement to 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki

Booking Information

This is a 2.5 day workshop running from 5 pm to 9.30pm on the Tuesday, 10 am until 5 pm on Wednesday and 10 am until 4.30 pm on Thursday and light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th April
Time: Tuesday 7pm – 9.30pm, Wednesday 10am – 5.30pm, Thursday 10am – 4.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Angelic Reiki 3 & 4

Golden Atla-Ra Priesthood Training. Emissary level 1 Practitioner (Mer-Ka-Ba)

There was in Atlantis, a priesthood of Light dedicated to not only Atlantean knowledge and principles, but also to the older Lemurian wisdom. This group is commonly now called the High Priesthood. Members of the High Priesthood evolved with the assistance of this knowledge and the Angels of light to a level of spirituality that had never been seen before. The Atlantean people via the High Priesthood had an organized structure, and for a long time, were the most spiritually aware race the universe had ever experienced; they were doing what might seem today as impossible, living a physical life whilst retaining the understanding of their spiritual heritage completely.

This was a time when humanity lived in harmony with many star brothers and sisters. This was a time of light. This was a time when humanity lived in a higher state of consciousness. There is always a battle between light and dark and this period of light did come to an end with the destruction of continent we know as Atlantis. At this time many spiritual tools of light were taken from humanity or were lost in history. Today many call this High Priesthood, Divine Lightworkers, and much of this ancient spiritual knowledge is returning as are the Atlantean Angels of Light.

Humanity saw some of the first shifts back to the light in 1987, a period known as the Harmonic Convergence. This time saw the return of the Violet Flame and the Mahatma energies and was a 25 year time of awakening, leading to 2012. Since 2012 many have heard the call to awaken to love and light and move towards bringing back balance and what is referred to as the Golden Age as Oneness.

We were blessed ourselves to reconnect to the Priesthood, Atlantean Angels and Atlantis in 2011 even though we had been working with many of the Atlantean energies before, not understanding their full origin. We have continued to guide and teach others with the Atlantean healing energy that was gifted to us by Birkan Tore and through those years, found ourselves being empowered and shown many other ancient techniques and knowledge from what is called the Atla-Ra Priesthood of light and Oneness.

The Atla- Ra were both male and female and maintained a high level of consciousness through their lives. They worked with the Temples of Healing and Sound, The Temple of Regeneration and Wisdom and the Temple Of Oneness to name a few. Within each of these temples there were many areas of expertise creating what we call today the Oneness of light.

As we now move closer to an age of Golden light, we have been guided by the Angels of Light to facilitate the reconnection of this Oneness within others and to ignite the priest or priestess within, by offering learning, set on the principles of this life and spirituality. The eventual destruction of Atlantis was a traumatic event for those involved. It led to the experience of a great fall from grace and a global downshift in frequency. This event was the cause of the dense 3D existence that we have all experienced, as well as the repeating patterns of negativity on Mother Earth.

What can this training bring for you?

  • 1. It will help you to reawaken the higher consciousness of the Golden light of Atlantis and Lemuria, connecting you to the Atlantean Angels of light.
  • 2. It will help you to reawaken skills and abilities developed and honoured at that time and continue to develop and cultivate in line with the current needs of this incarnation. You will be able to offer these skills to others.
  • 3. It will help to clear any fear, shock or guilt generated during the period leading to its final destruction; this could be affecting you today.
  • 4. You will be able to aid yourself and others with the skills and knowledge that you hold within, assisting humanity and Mother Earth in the transition beyond a fixed dimension of light to our blueprint of multi-dimensional existence

This training will take the form initially of 3 workshops of enlightenment, combining the teachings of the temples. Between workshops you may also be asked to do some practical and theory work.

In this First Class we cover – Emissary level 1 Practitioner (Mer-Ka-Ba) (light-spirit-body)

  • Who were the Atla-Ra
  • Connection to the Antediluvian Angels of Light
  • Seven Pillars of Wisdom/ Laws and the Seven Flames
  • Priesthood Masters
  • The Torus and working with the Masters
  • Healing with the Etheric Weavers
  • Pyramid Energy and healing
  • The enlightened ones Dolphins, Whales and Unicorns
  • Great Pools of Light
  • Working with the Platinum Ray
  • Antediluvian Angels of light (Mer Ka Ba) Initiation attunement.

This class is fully accredited by the IICT under our Divine Lightworker registration.

On completion of this class a certification will be issued

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April
Time: Saturday & Sunday 10am – 5.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Atla-Ra Level 1 – Mer Ka Ba

Connecting to the Crystal Skulls Evening Workshop

An evening filled with mystery and healing with crystal skulls. Learn about the 13 ancient crystal skulls and their connection to Atlantis. No experience of working with the Crystal Skulls is necessary nor is being a guardian of a Crystal Skull. Crystal Skulls are like computers, and they store great wisdom and knowledge. They have come forward at this point in time to assist us with healing and remembering our Galactic Origins.


In this workshop we will have an array of Crystal Skulls for you to work with. We will go through all sorts of information from how these beautiful oracles that house beings of light work to how to connect to yours and use it for personal healing and raising your vibration. We will take you on guided meditations with the Crystal Skull collective and we will channel messages from your own personal Crystal Skulls.

You will learn how to lay out Crystal Skull Grids and how to work with the Crystal Skulls to do physical healing overlays on yourself and others.

The Crystal Skulls wish to bring through new wisdom for humanity.It’s a very practical hands on workshop where we will explore different methods of meditating with your crystal skull so you can see which works best for you.

  • Meeting the Crystal Skulls
  • What are Crystal Skulls
  • Discussion on the Ancient Crystal Skulls
  • How to cleanse and activate a Crystal Skull
  • Why has your Skull chosen you, and what is its goal
  • Self-Healing and distant healing with the Skulls
  • Collective Crystal Skull healing of the Chakras and Aura
  • The Crystal Skull collective
  • And much more

Please bring along any Crystal Skulls that you have or you would like to work with. If you don’t have a skull, we will have some that you can work with and we will have an array of Crystal Skulls looking for first guardians.

Booking Information

This is a evening workshop running from 7 pm to 9.30 pm and light refreshments will be supplied.

Date: Tuesday 30th April
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Crystal Skulls Evening

Lemuria and Lemurian Crystal Evening Workshop

This evening workshop will focus on connecting to continent of Ancient Lemuria and the priests and Priestesses of Healing and Wisdom – We will discover how these ancient people worked with crystals and learn about their ancient past and the civilisations that seeded them.


We will learn how to tune in to these amazing Lemurian crystals and open your inner-self to healing and the wisdom they hold, including Self healing and healing others.

According to legend, the Lemurian civilization, Which pre-dates Atlantis by 1 million years, was about to end in catastrophe. Priests had foreseen this and programmed quartz crystals with the knowledge of their society, sealing them in caves so they would be protected until the time was “right” for them to be discovered. In recent years Lemurian quartz crystals have been rediscovered in Brazil, Columbia and Russia.

Lemurian Quartz Is regarded as the most powerful of the healing quartz crystals, and allows connection to these ancient masters.
The people of the ancient Lemurian civilization developed powerful techniques to seed special crystals with knowledge and wisdom for future generations to discover. This produced powerful crystals in small deposits around their known world.

  • What is Lemuria
  • Why are we feeling Lemurian energy returning at this time
  • What are Lemurian Crystals and how can we work with them
  • Journey back to our lifetime in Lemuria
  • Connecting to Ancient sites today to bring forward healing and more.

Booking Information

This is a evening workshop running from 7 pm to 9.30 pm and light refreshments will be supplied.

Date: Wednesday 1st May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Lemuria Crystal Evening

Golden Atla-Ra Priesthood Training. Emissary level 2 Light Practitioner (Mer-Ka-Na)

Emissary level 2 Light Practitioner (Mer-Ka-Na)  Light- Spirit- Aura In this this the second class we will continue our journey with the Temples of Light and the High Priests and Priestess, Focusing on not only the bodies needs but the needs of our higher selves.


We will look to understand our soul journey within Lemuria and Atlantis. Continuing the journey through the pools of liquid light. Working with geometric symbols and portals of light to bring Balance to the physical as well as the Etheric.

Let us journey to the Halls of Amenti to connect to our Soul records, Activate our Chakras with crystalline tools of light and learn how to work with high vibrational Vogel tools for separation.

As we now move closer to an age of Golden light, we have been guided by the Angels of Light to facilitate the reconnection of this Oneness within others and to ignite the priest or priestess within, by offering learning, set on the principles of this life and spirituality.

The eventual destruction of Atlantis was a traumatic event for those involved. It led to the experience of a great fall from grace and a global downshift in frequency. This event was the cause of the dense 3D existence that we have all experienced, as well as the repeating patterns of negativity on Mother Earth.  In this second class we will look at the energy of the Dragons and Unicorns and the importance of the celestial energies from the beginning of Lemuria through to the fall of Atlantis.

In this Second Class we cover – Emissary level 2 Light Practitioner (Mer-Ka-Na) (light-spirit-aura)

  •  Multidimensional Chakras and Aura
  • Accessing the Hall of Amenti
  • Soul Healing with the Eye
  • Geometric energy, Vortex and Portals
  • Vogel Crystals
  • Etheric energy and the Crystalline vibration
  • Chakra Sound Activation with Crystalline tools
  • The enlightened ones Dragons and Unicorns
  • Great Pools of Light, Wisdom and the Cosmic Heart
  • Working with the Platinum Ray
  • Antediluvian Angels of light (Mer Ka Na) Initiation attunement.

This class is fully accredited by the IICT under our Divine Lightworker registration.

On completion of this class a certification will be issued

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th April
Time: Saturday & Sunday 10am – 5.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Atla-Ra Level 2 – Mer Ka Na

Pendulums & Dowsing Evening Workshop

Would you like to learn to use a Pendulum to bring you the answers you need? Then this workshop is for you!


Although the art of dowsing and working with a pendulum has been in practice for ages, there are many people who have never even heard of it. Pendulums have been in use for thousands of years, and for all sorts of reasons. Giving the dowser a “yes” or “no,” a positive or negative, by way of a simple swinging motion.

While there are many theories about how dowsing works, the truth is that this form of divination will always remain somewhat of a mystery.

Some people believe that dowsing produces answers straight from the Divine. Others believe that pendulums and dowsing rods pick up on the energies of the situations or objects in question in order to reveal answers.

In this workshop we will show you different ways to work with Dowsing and pendulums so that you can bring them into your life to help find the answers that you seek.

  • Where do pendulums come from
  • What are they made from
  • Choosing A pendulum
  • What are Pendulums and Dowsing Rods
  • How to use a Pendulum
  • How to use Dowsing Rods
  • Charts
  • Healing with a pendulum (crystals etc)
  • Chakras and Auras

Booking Information

This is a evening workshop running from 7 pm to 9.30 pm and light refreshments will be supplied.

Date: Thursday 9th May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Pendulums & Dowsing Evening

Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary Evening

Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary are archangels of healing and the emerald ray of God. Mother Mary is also known as the Queen of Heaven, and she is the only archangel who incarnated into physical form.

She is the aspect of grace, God’s gift of mercy, compassion, and protection.


Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary also work with people on their ability to visualize the “immaculate concept,” the vision of their perfect selves. They help us understand science. They nurture our creative talents. As the angels of healing, they assist doctors and nurses. They direct colourful, healing currents of energy into homes and hospitals where healing is needed.

Mother Mary was already an Ascended Master at the time of her life with Jesus. Through her life time, word got out there was a holy woman living in the caves and seekers on the path would seek her out for tuition and guidance. At the end she had a small group of followers who lived in the caves with her, but much of her life was lived in solitude and prayer, becoming so heart centred she took the entire world into her heart to love as the Mother.

Mother Mary is a third ray Ascended Master – the pink ray of unconditional love. Her aura is soft pink with a border of mid blue, and then the band of white around the blue.

Her energy was very different to the energy of the Mother Mary we know today. Most of you will agree she has very soft, gentle, non-intrusive energy. Yet in her Ascension life her energy was one of great inner strength and fortitude,

  • Who Are AA Raphael and Mother Mary
  • Why are they working together at this time
  • Receiving combined healing from them both
  • Healing the Inner Child
  • Calling them both to support your healing and care work for Friends and Family and Clients

Booking Information

This is a evening workshop running from 7 pm to 9.30 pm and light refreshments will be supplied.

Date: Friday 10th May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

AA Raphael & Mother Mary Evening

Atlantean Healing™ Practitioner

Atlantean Healing™ is a fast growing energy healing modality that has been given to humanity at this time of great changes. This high vibrating energy has been used in the healing temples of Atlantis by the healing priests and priestesses. This particular energy was kept in the Great Pools of Energy until humanity was once again ready to channel it. The attunement and the system was channeled by Birkan Tore. The Atlantean Healing™ techniques are a combination of the ancient techniques that were used in the temples and the new ones given to us for the challenges we are facing today. Since we are now beyond 2012, we have now the opportunity to bring back the high frequency life style of Atlantis and take it even further.


Atlantean Healing™ sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed dis-ease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. We also focus on listening to the body and its messages to find out the root causes of the conditions. The energy is very high vibrational and powerful, yet it feels gentle when channeling or receiving it. Each session is conducted by a Atlantean Healing Practitioner™ and Atlantean Angels, who will be assisting with the application of the energy and healing process.

The energy can be used as a hands-on healing technique but also without laying on of the hands or can also be sent from distance. An Atlantean Healing™ session can take from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the needs of the client and practitioner’s inner guidance. The Atlantean Healing Energy though, will continue working and balancing the energy field of the client for several hours. This way there will be no sudden shifts that or outbursts of release caused by the AH treatment. The highest good of the client is always the core intention for each session. The practitioners respect the soul path and soul lessons of the client and support the clients on their path. They’ll be also providing the individual with the intuitive guidance they received during the process.

Of course, Atlantean Healing™ can also be used for self-healing and spiritual development. The system has no required rituals or complex symbology for its channeling. After you’re attunement, you channel the Atlantean Healing™ Energy.

Atlantean Healing™ Practitioners are trained for using their intuitive skills, communicate with the Angels and bring you guidance during and after your treatments. In this modality we do not focus on dis-ease but simply acknowledge it and instead focus on perfect health.

You now are able to become Atlantean Healing ™ Practitioners without lengthy priesthood trainings as we had to go through in Atlantis. Practitioners are also attuned to the energies of plant and mineral kingdoms and able to channel their energies during Atlantean Healing™ treatments. Since Atlantean Healing works hand in hand with intuition by practicing Atlantean Healing you can also improve or develop your intuition.

Topics covered

During the 2-day workshop you will discover past your lives in Atlantis through past life healing meditations, and heal any traumas that keep you from fully experiencing your spiritual and intuitive gifts.

Some of the topics you will learn about are:

  • Atlantis
  • Atlantean Healing™ Energy
  • Atlantean Healing™ Procedure
  • Absent healing
  • Use of Intuition in Healing
  • Physical Intuition
  • Violet Flame
  • Chakras and Aura
  • Working with Angels of Atlantis

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May
Time: Saturday & Sunday 10am – 5.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Atlantean Practitioner

Atlantean Healing™ Master Workshop

This two-day workshop is channelled for Atlantean Healing™ Practitioners in order to take their healing practice to the next level and start working with higher energies of Atlantis, including healing of the soul.


The main purpose of the class is giving practitioners mastery over the Atlantean Healing Energy and teach them different techniques of using this energy for personal, spiritual and planetary healing. Some of the subjects that were explained in the practitioner certification will now be studied on a deeper level and practiced. Master practitioners will be now using their intuition to tune in to the needs of the soul and the physical body as well.

Some of the subjects that are included in the class are:

  •  Atlantean Crystal Therapy
  • Soul Retrieval & Soul Healing
  • Intuitive Body and Soul Interviewing
  • Etheric Crystal healing
  • “Handling” Energy
  • Crystal Skulls, Unicorns and Dragons
  • Emotional Messages of Illness
  • Dragons and Unicorns of Atlantis
  • Spiritual Hierarchy of Atlantis

The class takes two full days and for certification Atlantean Healing™ Master Practitioner students need to attend both days. Since the class is only for Atlantean Healing Practitioners, there’ll be more practice-based work and less theory in comparison to the first class.

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th May
Time: Tuesday & Wednesday 10am – 5.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Atlantean Masters

New!  Starbeings: Academies Of Interstellar Light. Certificated Class

This is the second Starbeing class and is open to those who attended the first class with us as well as those who are new to working with Starbeings.

Perhaps you yourself don’t feel that you fit well on earth or perhaps you have met people who you believe are not humans at all. In simple terms there is a debate going on with regards to whether humans originated from the stars! Many believe that they are Starbeings who have reincarnated on earth. In the class we will show you how to connect and work with the Starbeing of light.


Star Beings come in many species, though the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, and the Sirians are the most well-recognized groups.
In the Emissary of light class, we linked in to 8 races. In this class we will continue our journey with these races, however we will bring forward 6 additional star races that are making themselves know at this time. These Academies of Light are becoming more important on our own spiritual journeys

It is through our higher heart (our soul seat) that this link can be made. As we expand our faith in beings of 100% light this enables us to re-connect to our Star Brothers and Star Sisters. Our Galactic families are having an influence on our lives now.
Many of these races are wanting us (Humans) to reconnect and to wake up, to let go of fear and judgment. This in turn can allow us to have new levels of understanding and integration with Earth and the whole universe.
In this class we will work with many groups and some will resonate with you and others will not. We will look at their individual qualities and wisdom for our higher learning.

We will be working with the different Galactic Civilizations, opening your own Antakarana (the tube of light).
We will then open and activate your Cosmic and Galactic higher chakras so that you can channel the language of light.
We will Journey through several Meditations to receive guidance and healing. You will also learn about your light vehicle the Dodecahedron Merkaba for inter-universal travel.

  • Some of the subjects that are included in the class are:
  • Learn About the Different Galactic races of Light.
  • Understand AA Michael’s role as Gate keeper.
  • Our Galactic Heritage
  • Learn how to connect with them safely!  
  • We will look at 16 Galactic Races that are visiting Earth at this time?
  • Opening our Stargate Galactic heart
  • Working with Commander Ashtar as an Emissary
  • Receive Energetic Upgrades to Move through Upcoming Changes and to increase our Spiritual knowledge in this lifetime.
  • Stepping through Stargates with your own dimensional  Dodecahedron Merkaba
  • Our Galactic Grid and family of the Universe
  • Looking at Stargates, portals Crop Circles and USOs.
  •                                          and much more.

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th May
Time: Saturday & Sunday 10am – 5.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Starbeings TIUL

Meet the Dragons Evening Workshop (SOLD OUT)

The Dragons are returning!
The time has come for you to open your own portal and allow Dragons back into your life. Can you feel the energy of these mythical masters of the high vibrational dimensions as they draw ever closer.
We will work with you to connect to the higher self of your own Dragon, who will work with you and aid you on your own ascension.

Why Are the Dragons returning?

The Dragon realms have been set in legend (some good and some bad) for many years in different cultures around the world. Through folklore, There have been may that have been programmed to believe that they are creatures of the dark.
We wish to show you that they are in-fact creatures of the light and of a high vibration.


This workshop will connect you to your own spiritual Dragon who is waiting to work with you. The workshop will include:

  • Dragon history including Atlantis.
  • Why Dragons are returning all over the world.
  • Learn about the types of dragons (earth,water, air and fire)
  • Dragon Love Spells
  • Dragon Protection and Guidance
  • How your Dragon will clear and cleanse any and all negative energy around you or on your path to ascension.
  • Healing with your Dragon
  • Dragon symbols and more.

Booking Information

This is a evening workshop running from 7 pm to 9.30 pm and light refreshments will be supplied.

Date: Tuesday 21st May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Meet the Dragons Evening

Manifesting with Merlin Evening Workshop (SOLD OUT)

Merlin represents the great old sage-wizard archetype. He’s known as a powerful magician, a spiritual teacher, and a psychic visionary who helped King Arthur during fifth-century Camelot. He’s associated with the goddesses of Avalon and Glastonbury, including, the Lady of the Lake.

We know Merlin today as an ascended master and early incarnation of Saint-Germain.


Merlin is happy to give lightworkers a magical lift; however, he always cautions that we use our “inner wizards” in the name of spiritual service and not for self-gain.

We will be bringing in the energies of Merlin to connect with everyone. Taking you on a journey of spiritual en-lightenment. Merlin can help us in many ways including:

  • Energy work and healing – Manifesting your future.
  • Psychic abilities – Excalibur – Lady of the Lake

Merlin’s magic knows of your intentions. He knows who you are, what situation you’re requesting help with, and the best solution. But he waits before approaching you, first scanning you to see if you’re a student who’s willing to learn over the long haul—or if you’re someone who just wants a quick fix.

Merlin comes to those who have a sincere desire to learn the spiritual secrets of alchemy, Divine magic, and manifestation skills that will be used in the light and not for personal glorification. He emphasizes to his students that these skills must never be used to harm or destroy anyone or anything physically or emotionally. Merlin’s knowledge is his prized possession, and he shares it willingly with those whose hearts are loving and pure.

Often when we work with Merlin he brings forth the spiritual energies of Arthur, The Sword Excalibur, The lady of the Lake and often the Knights of the Round table.

This evening class will connect you to this magical time once more.

Booking Information

This is a evening workshop running from 7 pm to 9.30 pm and light refreshments will be supplied.

Date: Wednesday 22nd May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Manifesting with Merlin Evening

New Angelic Mediumship Practitioner Certification

This Angelic Mediumship Certification course has been created to help those wanting to communicate with the Angelic and spirit world. Many people want to receive guidance for themselves and others and feel safe whilst doing so. This will be an intensive workshop working with the Angels learning how to interpret signs and receive intuitive guidance. If you are fearful or have blocks in this communication we will work to clear those with the Angels so that you can be a clear channel.


Angelic Mediumship is safe and healing. If there was any aspect of this work that was scary or dangerous, believe us, we wouldn’t teach it. When you work directly with the Angels, as explained in depth in this class, you can have confidence to know that you are shielded and protected throughout the process and that you are only receiving messages for your own or others highest good.

With the skills and confidence, you will gain in this class, you will open divine opportunities for re-connection, healing and forgiveness

Working with the Angels brings added peace as we open the doors to Heaven for messages and guidance, both in your own life and for others.

Some of the subjects that are included during the training are:

  • Increasing your clarity in Angelic Communication.
  • Self-Mediumship (receiving guidance for your own path).
  • Receive specific details from loved ones to verify your messages.
  • Working with Archangels and Angels for daily guidance.
  • Methods of clearing, shielding and healing.
  • Angelic Celestial parents.
  • Giving Angelic Intuitive readings for clients

Our goal during the 2-day intensive workshop will be to remove the fears about mediumship and to give you the tools and self-confidence that you need. This Workshop is suitable both for those who would like to work professionally as an Angel Medium, as well as those who would like to take the workshop for their spiritual growth and psychic abilities.

The Workshop takes two full days and for certification as Angelic Mediumship™ Practitioner students need to attend all days. This class will be limited in numbers so that we can spend quality time with each individual. Mediumship is something that does take time to develop and the more your practice the better you will become. Our aim is to help you with this journey.

The classes include both theory and practice. We recommend bringing a pen and paper to take notes to help you remember the important points. You’ll also be provided with handouts and charts during the class.

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May
Time: Saturday & Sunday 10am – 5.30pm
Venue: Transcend Wellness (Google Maps)

Angelic Mediumship

Private Sessions

We will have a limited number of Private sessions of Atlantean Healing or Crystal Healing and Angel Intuitive Readings.  Sessions will last for 1 hour at a charge of $100.00. and dates will be set nearer the time, with the possibility of being offered in both locations.

Atlantean Healing™ sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed dis-ease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. The healing process intuitively will be carried out specifically for the individual and for their highest good that works on their specific issues, emotional, physical and spiritual well being. The therapy is non-invasive, gentle and is a very powerful healing energy. The Atlantean Healing works on different levels: the Aura, the Chakras, the 4 Elements, the Soul and at the physical level including psychic clearing.

During a healing session you will be asked to lay fully clothed on a Massage Table. Each session will be conducted by Neil and Zena who will be assisted by Angels from Atlantis and Ascended Masters and Unicorns.

Angelic Intuitive Readings. During Our Angelic Intuitive reading we work with the Angels and our spirit guides and call upon them to channel information for your highest good.  An intuitive reading is a conversation between you and us as we work with these Celestial energies, we use our intuitive skills and expertise to help you choose the best path to achieve your dreams, develop a fresh prospective, and see beyond the limiting beliefs you might have for yourself or a situation. The information that you receive will give you the chance to make changes! Rather than focusing on the future alone, Our Angels and guides will also help with understanding your life’s challenges and guidance may be given that relates to past life challenges also. The sessions will always be uplifting and are not limiting or scary in any way. We will both be working with you answering any questions you may have. We are only the messengers, and you will always have options in which direction you take!

We have limited sessions and so we will be taking a $45 non-refundable deposit when we allocate your healing time. If you are interested then please contact us by email at

Personal Sessions