This new class “The Flight of the Dragon Rider” has come forward currently to assist in the important connection between humanity and the Dragon Realm.
It is a very important year for teamwork, the coming together of all beings of light to banish all the darkness. We wish for every student who joins us to build a rock-solid partnership with their own dragons and the Dragons that wish to work with them.
We are all aware of their presence, the time has come for you to open your own portal and allow Dragons back into your life.
The Dragon realms have been set in legend (some good and some bad) for many years in different cultures around the world. Through folklore, there have been may that have been programmed to believe that they are creatures of the dark.
Dragons are elementals- beings who do not contain all four elements of earth, air, fire and water. They are of the angelic realms at a frequency that is beyond our limited visual capacity.
They have worked with the planet since Earth began. During the birth of the planet at time of unrest the Dragons helped to prepare earth for life. The Dragons have the power to create or destroy matter so earth and fire dragons helped to carve out mountains while water dragons purify the water and the air dragons helped keep everything moving in perfect harmony.
In the golden age of Lemuria they lived in harmony amongst the non-physical fifth dimensional beings. It was in this time of Lemuria that the Dragons assisted to create what we now know as the ley lines of mother Earth, these were high vibrational lines of source light keeping the Earths vibration high. These lines used to be called the Dragon lines.
The word Dragon means “WATCHER, or GUARDIAN”. However they like angels cannot intervene in free will.
This workshop will connect you to your own spiritual Dragon who is waiting to work with you. The workshop will also include:
You will receive a Dragon Rider certification on the completion
Workshop Timings
Date: 7th – 8th September 2024
Time: 10:00 – 16.30 on Saturday and 10.00 – 16.00 Sunday
The cost of this Workshop is £225.00 with a non refundable deposit of £75 to secure your place, with the balance required 4 weeks before the start of the workshop.
Light refreshments will be supplied, however you will need to bring your own lunch.