USA Temp

Date Day Type Subject Price
03/23 – 03/24 Saturday –
Atlantean Healing Practitioners $295
($75 Deposit)
03/25 – 03/27 Monday –
Angelic Reiki 1&2 Practitioner $295
($75 Deposit)
03/27 Wednesday Evening
Unicorns and Your Soul Energy $50
($20 Deposit)
03/29 Friday Evening
Introduction to Crystals $50
($20 Deposit)
03/30 – 03/31 Saturday –
Power Crystals of the Ancients $295
($75 Deposit)
04/02 – 04/03 Tuesday –
Atlantean Healing™ Masters $395
($100 Deposit)
04/03 Wednesday Evening
Energy and Spiritual Protection $50
($20 Deposit)
04/05 Friday Evening
Introduction to Chakras $50
($20 Deposit)
04/06 – 04/07 Saturday –
Crystal Skull Practitioner $295
($75 Deposit)
04/08 – 04/10 Monday –
Angelic Reiki 3&4 Master/ Teacher $395
($100 Deposit)
04/10 Wednesday Evening
Guides and Power Animals $50
($20 Deposit)
04/12 Friday Evening
Pendulums and Dowsing $50
($20 Deposit)
04/13 – 04/14 Saturday –
Angelic Mediumship Practitioner $295
($75 Deposit)
Various Various Individual
Personal Healing Sessions $75
($25 Deposit)
Workshop Offers
Practitioner Classes – Any 2 for $500 or 3 for $725
Angelic Reiki and Atlantean Master class $695
Angelic Reiki Master or Atlantean Master class and any 1 x Practitioner class $595
Angelic Reiki or Atlantean Master class and any 2 x Practitioner class $845
Evening Workshop Offers
2 for $85, 3 for $125,
4 for $165, 5 for $205
6 for $245
All 7 Evening Workshops $280

If you are interested in taking more classes then do contact us for special packages.

Personal Atlantean Healing or Crystal Healing Sessions

We will have a limited number of Private sessions of Atlantean Healing or Crystal Healing and Angel Intuitive Readings. Sessions will last for 1 hour at a charge of $75.00.

Atlantean Healing™ Soul Retrieval sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed dis-ease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. Fragmentation of the soul may occur when we experience trauma in our lives, this can be through shock, sudden loss of life and injury, loss of beloved family, friends and pets, traumatic childhood. The fragments of the soul could have left us at different times in our life and stay trapped within the moment of that trauma.

These healing sessions are designed to bring back pieces (or all) of the fragments of our soul to bring about balance in our life.

During a healing session you will be asked to lay fully clothed on a Massage Table. Each session will be conducted by Neil and Zena who will be assisted by Angels from Atlantis, Ascended Masters and Unicorns.

Crystal Healing sessions will aim to clear and balance Chakras as well as work on the flow of energy through the body. We will be laying crystals on the body with the aim to clear emotional as well as physical blocks. We will also place you in a Crystal grid so that we can connect with your Etheric body, either to lift your energy or to work with specific issues that you are facing.
Each session is conducted by Neil and Zena and the Angels, who will be assisting with the application of the energy and healing process.

Angelic Intuitive Readings During Our Angelic Intuitive reading we work with the Angels and our spirit guides and call upon them to channel information for your highest good. An intuitive reading is a conversation between you and us as we work with these Celestial energies, we use our intuitive skills and expertise to help you choose the best path to achieve your dreams, develop a fresh prospective, and see beyond the limiting beliefs you might have for yourself or a situation. The information that you receive will give you the chance to make changes! Rather than focusing on the future alone, Our Angels and guides will also help with understanding your life’s challenges and guidance may be given that relates to past life challenges also. The sessions will always be uplifting and are not limiting or scary in any way. We will both be working with you answering any questions you may have. We are only the messengers and you will always have options in which direction you take!

We have limited sessions and so we will be taking a $25 non-refundable deposit when we allocate your healing time. If you are interested then please contact us by email at

Atlantean Healing™ Practitioner – 2 Day


Atlantean Healing™ is a fast growing energy healing modality that has been given to humanity at this time of great changes. This high vibrating energy has been used in the healing temples of Atlantis by the healing priests and priestesses. This particular energy was kept in the Great Pools of Energy until humanity was once again ready to channel it. The attunement and the system was channeled by Birkan Tore. The Atlantean Healing™ techniques are a combination of the ancient techniques that were used in the temples and the new ones given to us for the challenges we are facing today. Since we are now beyond 2012, we have now the opportunity to bring back the high frequency life style of Atlantis and take it even further.


Atlantean Healing™ sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed dis-ease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. We also focus on listening to the body and its messages to find out the root causes of the conditions. The energy is very high vibrational and powerful, yet it feels gentle when channeling or receiving it. Each session is conducted by a Atlantean Healing Practitioner™ and Atlantean Angels, who will be assisting with the application of the energy and healing process.

The energy can be used as a hands-on healing technique but also without laying on of the hands or can also be sent from distance. An Atlantean Healing™ session can take from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the needs of the client and practitioner’s inner guidance. The Atlantean Healing Energy though, will continue working and balancing the energy field of the client for several hours. This way there will be no sudden shifts that or outbursts of release caused by the AH treatment. The highest good of the client is always the core intention for each session. The practitioners respect the soul path and soul lessons of the client and support the clients on their path. They’ll be also providing the individual with the intuitive guidance they received during the process.

Of course, Atlantean Healing™ can also be used for self-healing and spiritual development. The system has no required rituals or complex symbology for its channeling. After you’re attunement, you channel the Atlantean Healing™ Energy

Atlantean Healing ™Practitioners are trained for using their intuitive skills, communicate with the Angels and bring you guidance during and after your treatments. In this modality we do not focus on dis-ease but simply acknowledge it and instead focus on perfect health.

You now are able to become Atlantean Healing ™ Practitioners without lengthy priesthood trainings as we had to go through in Atlantis. Practitioners are also attuned to the energies of plant and mineral kingdoms and able to channel their energies during Atlantean Healing™ treatments. Since Atlantean Healing works hand in hand with intuition by practicing Atlantean Healing you can also improve or develop your intuition.

Topics covered

During the 2-day workshop you will discover past your lives in Atlantis through past life healing meditations, and heal any traumas that keep you from fully experiencing your spiritual and intuitive gifts.

Some of the topics you will learn about are:

  • Atlantis
  • Atlantean Healing™Energy
  • Atlantean Healing™ Procedure
  • Absent healing
  • Use of Intuition in Healing
  • Physical Intuition
  • Violet Flame
  • Chakras and Aura
  • Working with Angels of Atlantis

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10.00 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Saturday 23rd March and Sunday 24th March 2019
Time: 10.00 am – 5.30 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Early Bird: $295* ($75 deposit)
Standard Cost: $395

Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Level Workshop


angelicreiki-280Following us bringing Angelic Reiki to Houston in 2014 and following requests we are so pleased to be offering this wonderful workshop at Spirit Quest for the 2nd year.

This workshop imparts the unique system of healing that is Angelic Reiki and is taught over two and a half days. Students are attuned to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki and a number of treatment methods are taught. The student gains ‘hands on’ experience in the healing methodology and learns how to attune healing tools.

The attunements – which connect students with Healing Angels who will then work with each individual on a permanent basis – incorporate Reiki symbols attuned through the Angelic vibration. These symbols were given to humanity by St Germain at the time of Atlantis.

This workshop gifts you with

  • A complete karma cutting and Angelic clearing prior to each attunement
  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree levels
  • The 7 symbols given are activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
  • An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel Metatron
  • Hands on healing experience of channelling Angelic healing energy, third eye healing, healing with Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers and Multidimensional and Past Life healing.
  • Guidance re self-healing, absent/distance healing, treating pregnant women, children and animals
  • Advice on healing treatment practicalities
  • Techniques to attune healing tools
  • A Master Crystal to hold the Angelic Codes of Healing
  • A comprehensive practitioners manual
  • Certificate of practitioner achievement to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki
  • As a healer working with Angels in this way, you offer a wonderful service to yourself, humanity and the planet.

Special offer to those who have already taken the class with another teacher, If you would like to re-sit the class with Crystal Heaven we are happy for you to join us for the cost of just $75.00. If you have taken this class with us and wish to re-sit it will be free.

Booking Information

This is a 2.5 day workshop running from 19.00 pm to 21.30pm on the Monday and 10 am until 17.30 pm on Tuesday and 10 am until 16.00 on Wednesday and light refreshments will be supplied Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March 2019
Time: Monday 7.00pm to 9.30 pm and 10.00 am – 5.30 pm Tuesday and 10.00 am until 4.00pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Early Bird: $295* ($100 deposit)
Standard Cost: $395

Unicorn and Your Soul Evening Workshop

Unicorns are pure white seventh dimensional horses who have returned to Earth for the first time since Atlantis to help us with our ascension. They are known as the purest of the pure and have qualities of love, peace, calm, gentleness, hope, majesty, caring, magic and mystery.  They will come to you when you are ready, helping you to develop your unicorn qualities.

They have spiralling horns of light which radiate from their foreheads, through which they give healing, joy and enlightenment. The light of a unicorn is so powerful that it enters you gradually, in waves, only ever as much as you can cope with at any time.

Unicorns grant soul wishes, those things that satisfy you deeply and help you fulfil your pre-life contract.

When you think about a unicorn it wakens an energy within you that aligns you to higher realms.  And if you meet one in dreams or meditations, your soul is connecting to the unicorn energy and great changes take place.

Remember that if you often think about unicorns and you have a desire to help the world a unicorn will soon be with you.

This workshop is all about connecting you to the Unicorns so that you can work with their assistance to bring qualities of love, peace, hope and magic and to grant your soul wishes.

Booking Information

Date: Wednesday 27th March 2019
Time: 7.00pm to 10.00 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Cost: $50 ($25 deposit)

Introduction to Crystals Evening

Have you ever wondered how Crystals can change your life?

Crystals have a wonderful natural energy of their own. In this workshop we will introduce you to crystals, what crystals do and how to work with crystals, giving you what is needed for yourself and your family.

Topics covered

  • Introduction to crystals, what they are, how they are formed, identifying crystals. Sources of information, intuition.
  • How crystals work, crystals in technology, crystals in healing.
  • Cleansing crystals, Protection, Grounding, Crystal energy experience.
  • How to work with crystals, selecting crystals,
  • Balancing your Chakras
  • Heart centre, physical, emotional, spiritual,
  • And more

Booking Information

Date: Friday 29th March 2019
Time: 7.00pm to 10.00 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Cost: $50 ($25 deposit)

Power Crystals of the Ancients Practitioner – 2 Day

 This is a magical new Practitioner workshop that we have been guided to offer.

Following our extensive studies on Lemuria and Atlantis and other ancient Civilizations and continuing on with finding new ways to work with crystals we wish to take you on a Journey of discovery!

We have realised that we are in fact just rediscovering how crystals were used and just how little we know in comparison with these Ancient Civilizations.

The course will bring together how crystals were being used, the spiritual properties as well as Healing properties. How Science and Spirituality were working in harmony to bring new levels of en-lightment to these Civilizations. We will also be going beyond our planet to understand the connection between Earth and Galactic beings of light and the role that they have had in the past and continue to have with advancing Crystal technology.

The course will involve a range of esoteric knowledge as well as practical exercises with new Crystals. Which you can bring into your existing practices

We will focus on a range of power crystals and how working with them on energy centres within our bodies and moving further into the importance of the etheric body. This will in turn take us to our own Crystalline structures.

Some of the areas being covered will be:-

  • Working with Lemurian and Atlantean Crystals,
  • Vogel Quartz, Crystal Atlantean Healing Temples
  • Precious metals of Mother Earth
  • Crystals and Metals from the Stars
  • Power Crystals of Transformation
  • and much much more.

There is no pre-requisite to taking this workshop and so it is open to everyone, however a basic knowledge of Crystals and Healing would be beneficial

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10.00 am to 5.30pm both days and light refreshments will be supplied Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Saturday 30th October and Sunday 31st March 2019
Time: 10.00 am – 5.30 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Early Bird: $295* ($75 deposit)
Standard Cost: $395

Atlantean Healing Master Workshop


This two day workshop is channelled for Atlantean Healing™ Practitioners in order to take their healing practice to the next level and start working with higher energies of Atlantis, including healing of the soul.


The main purpose of the class is giving practitioners mastery over the Atlantean Healing Energy and teach them different techniques of using this energy for personal, spiritual and planetary healing. Some of the subjects that were explained in the practitioner certification will now be studied on a deeper level and practiced. Master practitioners will be now using their intuition to tune in to the needs of the soul and the physical body as well. Some of the subjects that are included in the class are:

  • Atlantean Crystal Therapy
  • Soul Retrieval & Soul Healing
  • Intuitive Body and Soul Interviewing healing and procedures
  • “Handling” Energy
  • Crystal Skulls
  • Emotional Messages of Illness
  • Dragons and Unicorns of Atlantis
  • Spiritual Hierarchy of Atlantis

You are also recommended to bring your crystals and gemstones for the practice sessions and crystal meditations. Recommended stones are: Moldavite, Celestite, Smokey Quartz, Quartz, Lemurian quartz and all others that you feel guided to bring with you.

Booking Information

This is a 2 day workshop running from 10.00 am to 5.00pm on Tuesday and 10.00am to 4.00pm Wednesday. Please bring your own lunch.

Date: Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd April 2019
Time: 10.00 am – 5.00 pm and 10.00am – 4.00pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Early Bird: $495* ($100 deposit)
Standard Cost: $395

Energy and Spiritual Protection Evening Workshop

Energy and Spiritual Protection is something that everyone should know how to do, regardless of your religious beliefs (or lack of). It encompasses far more than just psychic attacks and good and bad spirits too.

Negativity in any form can be damaging to the human energy field (aura). Fear, anger, depression, negative people/places, arguments and more actually create negative energy that can cling to you or build up in your home and cause problems over time. Spiritual cleansings are very important, for yourself and your home. Working to clear these at least every few days, more if you find yourself feeling stressed or fatigued is essential.

Sensitive people or empaths have an ability to be emotional sponges that can heighten when they are at a social event, around co-workers, or in crowds. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Negativity, though, often feels assaultive or exhausting.

Clearing bad air, negative energies can be very uplifting with major shifts in your outlook on life. Negative energy is heavy, stagnant energy that stops the flow of life; it sinks down. If not cleared, it can bring, fear, sleeplessness, and sometimes more to the people in the house or building.

There are so many ways that you can protect your own energy and one of the hardest things is finding a method that works for you. We will look at what is available and show you how you can bring them into your daily life. These will take the form of not only spiritual practices but working with tools that are available

Booking Information

Date: 3rd April 2019
Time: Wednesday 7.00pm to 10.00 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Cost: $50 ($25 deposit)

Introduction to Chakras Evening Workshop

Chakras are energy centres in the body that play an important role in our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Understanding this mind-body energy system is essential for becoming the most healthy and radiant version of yourself.

The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to “wheel” or “disk.” To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of life-giving energy – the vital force that animates us and all living things. Since everything in the mind-body energy system is moving, it’s essential that your seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and clear.

If there’s a blockage in the flow or energy is constricted – this will create what we call dis- ease or an imbalance. The Chakras are the key to life and so unblocking them and working with them will help to transform your energy – so that you can reach your highest mental, physical, and spiritual potential.

We will introduce you to these centres and show you how they work and how to connect with them, we will give you simple tools that you can use daily so that they will remain balanced and healthy.

Booking Information

Date: 5th April 2019
Time: Friday 7.00pm to 10.00 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Cost: $50 ($25 deposit)

Crystal Skull Guardian Practitioner Class

This Crystal Skull Guardian Practitioner is for those who are new to this consciousness or for those who have been working with Crystal skulls for some time. As the energies on our planet are changing, people are opening up to the energies of the Crystal Skulls and are aware once more that they are a doorway, a bridge, to working with the light.

We have been guardians of Crystal Skulls since 2005, when we were guided to Jessie, a clear quartz skull in Germany and Jessie has continued to lead us to many sacred sites around the world as well as guiding us to connect with the Crystal Skull consciousness. We have been blessed to connect to Ancient Skulls as well as being guided to many skull gatherings, including the World Skull conference in Holland in 2006. We have now received guidance that we are to share our knowledge and help others to reach a deeper connection to their own skulls. We run workshops and talks on Crystal Skulls internationally and it is now time to open this energy portal so that others can share the beauty of Crystal Skulls.

Topics that will be covered include

  • Meeting the Crystal Skulls
  • What are Crystal Skulls
  • History and their connection to Lemuria and Atlantis and the Mayan
  • Discussion on the Ancient Crystal Skulls
  • In depth look at the Mitchell Hedges Skull
  • How to cleanse and activate a crystal Skull.
  • What does the Skull do to your energy when you hold them.
  • Why has your Skull chosen you, and what is its goal.
  • Self-Healing and distant healing with the Skulls
  • Crystal Skull grids
  • Collective Crystal Skull healing of the Chakras and Aura..
  • Galactic Crystal Skulls
  • The Crystal Skull collective
  • And much more

If you have your own Crystal skull this is the class for you to find answers, if you don’t have a Crystal Skull then do not worry as there will be plenty that you can work with for the weekend.

Let us widen your knowledge about these wonderful gifts that are available to us all and allow them to come into your life and change it forever.

Booking Information

Date: Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April 2019
Time: 10.00am to 5.00 pm both days
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Early Bird: $295* ($75 deposit)
Standard Cost: $395

Angelic Reiki 3 and 4 Master Teacher’s


This workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki Level 1 and 2 certificate and who are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki.


This workshop is taught over three days and is a powerful experience which lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension. It awakens the Divine within and participants receive a wave of love emanating from the Heart of the Galaxy. It places students in their own spiritual power and knowledge of themselves as the Ascended Masters they truly are.

As Angelic Reiki teachers, participants can be assured that the Angels will be present at every workshop they teach. They can be confident that they will be supported by Angels whenever they facilitate attunements.

A special part of teaching this system to others involves participation in healing practice sessions. It is through these sessions that many questions are asked and answered and the techniques themselves are given and explained.

This workshop gifts you with

  • Revisiting healing techniques taught in the level 1&2 workshop
  • Opportunities to share healing experiences
  • Healing through eye contact as used in Atlantis
  • Healing with Soul Group energies
  • Healing with energies of the Divine Presence and Divine Blessing
  • 13 symbols which are a gateway to multidimensional healing, activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree levels
  • Gifts of higher knowledge given by the Sarim, the Princes of the Angelic Kingdom
  • Healing practice sessions including extra healing techniques.
  • A comprehensive Master Teacher manual
  • Certificate of training achievement to 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki
  • Special offer to resit this class of $75.00

Booking Information

Date: 8th, 9th and 10th April 2019
Time: Monday 8th  7.00 pm until 10.00 pm, Tuesday 9th 10 am – 5.30 pm and Wednesday 10th –
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Early Bird: $395* ($75 deposit)
Standard Cost: $495

Guides and Power Animals Evening

Connecting with your Spirit guides and power animal can be enlightening. Understanding your guide can uncover wisdom from deep within yourself. Often the first question people ask is “how do I know spirit guide or animal guide?” The answer to this question is quite simple. You don’t have to seek them out your guides are with you or around you and all you need to do is connect with them.

Typically when an animal spirit guide makes itself known to you, it will appear recurrently in many different places. Sometimes you’ll see them in the wild (with animals living today), sometimes they’ll show up on the Television, online in articles or ads, in newspapers/magazines, in dreams, or you might even hear someone talking about it in a passing conversation. If you are open to receiving messages from your animal spirit guide, they will come to you. 

Other Spiritual guides will normally connect to you in meditation or in your dreams and can include;-

  • Protector Guides
  • Gate keeper Guides
  • Message bearer Guides
  • Healing Guides
  • Teacher Guides

Once you have established contact with those of true higher energies, such as these Guides, it is a great blessing that you will feel. Just like developing any relationship for the first time, working with spirit guides takes time, dedication, and effort.

Working with spirit guides will strengthen your willpower, lighten your mind and mood, assist you with self-healing work, and help you become more compassionate with those around you.

We will help you take this journey and show you ways that you can call these guides in and how they will help you on your path in this lifetime. We hope that by the end of the evening you will be aware of at least a few of these celestial being.

Booking Information

Date: Wednesday 10th April 2019
Time: 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Cost: $50 ($25 deposit)

Pendulums and Dowsing Evening

Although the art of dowsing and working with a pendulum has been in practice for ages, there are many people who have never even heard of it.

Pendulums have been in use for thousands of years, and for all sorts of reasons. Giving the dowser a “yes” or “no,” a positive or negative, by way of a simple swinging motion.

While there are many theories about how dowsing works, the truth is that this form of divination will always remain somewhat of a mystery. Dowsing has been widely studied and many conclusions have been formed on how it works. Some people believe that dowsing produces answers straight from the Divine. Others believe that pendulums and dowsing rods pick up on the energies of the situations or objects in question in order to reveal answers.

The theory that is generally accepted by most people, though, is that pendulums are tools used to unearth information hidden deep within our subconscious minds in order to transmit it to conscious awareness.  A pendulum works by tapping into your intuition and sixth sense. The pendulum acts as a form of receiver and transmitter, from your higher guidance, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. As the pendulum moves, you gain answers in response to questions.  Some people describe the way a pendulum works as being like bringing together the rational and intuitive sides of you (the left and right sides of your brain). When these two elements are brought together, you’re able to make decisions using all the sources, rather than just one of them.

In this workshops we will show you different ways to work with Dowsing and pendulums so that you can bring them into your life to help find the answers that you seek.

Date: 12th April 2019
Time: Friday 7.00pm to 10.00 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Cost: $50 ($25 deposit)

Angelic Mediumship Practitioner Certification


This Angelic Mediumship Certification course has been created to help those wanting to communicate with the spirit world. Many people want to receive guidance for themselves and others and feel safe whilst doing so. This will be an intensive workshop working with the Angels learning how to interpret signs and receive intuitive guidance. If you are fearful or have blocks in this communication we will work to clear those with the Angels so that you can be a clear channel.


Angelic Mediumship is safe and healing. If there was any aspect of this work that was scary or dangerous, believe us, we wouldn’t teach it. When you work directly with the Angels, as explained in depth in this class, you can have confidence to know that you are shielded and protected throughout the process and that you are only receiving messages for your own or others highest good.. With the skills and confidence you will gain in this class, you will open divine opportunities for re-connection, healing and forgiveness.

Working with the Angels brings added peace as we open the doors to Heaven for messages and guidance, both in your own life and for others.

Some of the subjects that will be covered during the training are:

  • Increasing your clarity in Angelic Communication.
  • Understanding after-life and the journey of the soul.
  • Self-Mediumship (receiving guidance for your own path).
  • Receive specific details from loved ones to verify your messages.
  • Working with Archangels and Angels for daily guidance.
  • Methods of clearing, shielding and healing.
  • Angelic Soul parents.
  • Aiding earthbound spirit to move to the light (Sprit release).

Our goal during the 2-day intensive workshop will be to remove the fears about mediumship and to give you the tools and self-confidence that you need. This Workshop is suitable both for those who would like to work professionally as an Angel Medium, as well as those who would like to take the workshop for their spiritual growth and psychic abilities.
Date: Saturday 13th April and Sunday 14th April 2019
Time: 10.00 am – 5.00 pm
Venue: Spirit Quest, 303 Main St., Spring (Old Town Spring), Tx 77373 (Google Maps)

Early Bird: $295* ($75 deposit)
Standard Cost: $395