Lemurian and Atlantean Blueprint activation day in the Avebury stone circles

Lemurian and Atlantean Blueprint activation day in the Avebury stone circles

24th July 2024

Hello Zena and Neil,

I just thought I would get back to you with some reflections from Saturday and say a BIG THANK YOU !!!

I sat down yesterday to write my journal and this is what i wrote :

” So much from the weekend I’m trying to take it all in !!! I’m only realising it was yesterday. My energy feels different, cleansed and expanded. Deep Healing has definitely taken place. I’m sure I had downloads. A big Blue Rose, something about Pleiadian Energy appeared today. It was so nice to feel cocooned in a deeply connected, unified loving energy. My heart feels full, opened and it’s expanded out into my aura.”

(and as i wrote I “heard” this message)


” Blessings Dear One,

I AM ADAMAS and you are right this is my counterpart, the feminine aspect you have called ” Lady Venus” (my head really vibrated at this point as it seems to do these days when “other worldly beings” start to work with me). We are of the Elohim. The Elders of the time you know as Lemuria. We are satisfied with the DIVINE work you did as a group. Many of you have truly connected with this time, remembering who you truly are and bringing forward and recouping the gifts and memories of that time.

Yes we went through many things, but the most important gift to remember is living from the heart and basing all your future decisions and choices from this place.

How can you possibly fail coming from this place?

I AM ONE WITH YOU AS YOU ARE ONE WITH ME. This is UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and we can truly say the energy you projected as a group demonstrated this to a high level.


I AM ADAMAS, part of the Elohim Collective

( He went on to say as I queried Light Language…being a relatively new sound healer I’ve felt a bit ignorant about Light Language which seems to be one of the ‘new “in” things lately…)

” Neil is correct about the Light Language. It can be used through the voice, delivered in symbols, downloaded in codes or just felt in the body. What a beautiful, loving being he is…”

As for Zena , she truly reflects and embodies the aspects of Lady Portia and all the loving female deities. Her HEART ENERGY transmits and transforms all those she meets and encounters…”

LOVING ENERGY truly emits from both of them both. We are so grateful for the work they both do. I AM ADAMUS ”

As you can see from the messages, I got so much from the weekend !! Feel free to share this with your groups or in your literature…

Huge LOVE to you both,

Bev xxxx