Angelic Reiki 1&2 Practitioner

Angelic Reiki 1&2 Practitioner

27th February 2023

Dear Neil/Zena

Thank you so much for awakening and bringing forward a part of me that was there, waiting patiently to be brought to light.  I am still in the middle of that powerful , lovely, marvellous embrace of  all the healing Angels, and Masters, I can feel their energies around me, it is so great the feeling to the point that I sometimes feel dizzy.

You know the saying ” she is drunk with love ” I feel like that ha ha ha. it is a nice feeling though. I guess is still the work  being performed on me by my healing Angel.

Another funny thing, remember that I saw  a toy rabbit in one of the sessions. so this morning my colleague started talking about rabbits !!!

I love the Angelic realm, I I love the violet flame.

Thank you so much for your powerful teaching, I am looking forward to take the next Angelic Reiki course.


Have a blessed week


Petra Trinci