Merlin Takes you to the Cosmic Gateway of Avalon – Past Zoom – Stream / Download

£ 25.00


Crystal Heaven International Institute are pleased to offer this 2 hour Zoom Workshop as a download. On purchase you will receive a link where you can choose to stream or download the recorded session.


Neil & Zena from Crystal Heaven in Glastonbury and Alessandra Gilioli in Chicago.


Energy healing course for these Now Times. Converging our Physical Body wisdom, Ancient Earth power and Futuristic Galactic Light woven into a New Energy Healing empowerment formula!

Merlin Takes you to the Cosmic Gateway of Avalon, join us as Merlin leads you to the Sacred Chalice Waters and to walk the labyrinth of the Tor, opening your own heart so that it can beat in time with the heart chakra on Earth. Allow yourself to clear any fear of stepping out on your own spiritual path and raising your frequency. We will journey back in time and connect to the Dragons and ley lines of Avalon as well as be attuned to the Sword Excalibur which Merlin carries by his side. It is time to allow Merlin to bring Magic and sacred ceremony in to your own lives once more, so that you can stand as a guardian to mother Earth.


In this class you will:

  • Clear anxiety, fear
  • Learn new updated empath tools
  • Understand how you can become the antidote to 5G, chemtrails, food toxins etc
  • Install new auric filtration systems
  • Get a snapshot of True Earth History
  • Rekindle your connection to Dragons
  • Awaken the Earth Meridians working with Earth in updated ways
  • Receive activation’s and guidance from Galactic Merlin
  • Experience an astral journey into the New Earth ley lines with Merlin
  • Become more effective guardians of your body and Earth’s body
  • Earn a certificate showing that you know how to work with the listed frequencies


We are delighted you are considering joining us! If you are not sure that is ok. Who knows anything these days? All is in such turmoil. But one thing’s for sure our heart frequencies are getting bigger and wiser. Listen intently to your heart. If it sings a big fat yes then join us! We are honored and ecstatic to work alongside you! We know deep within that we are being changed as we are stepping out into our greater power. And we know that together is much better!