Archangel Aura Sprays – Metatron – 50ml

£ 14.00


This spray aids connection to Archangel Metatron and those of cosmic creation, it aids calmness, serenity and healing of the soul.It also links us to the Tree of Life, it can be used in meditation and healing work and accelerates our spiritual growth by lifting us above any discordant energy which is not for our highest good.

Metatron is the keeper of the acashic records and also works with children. This spray will assist you in your day to day advancements in life and will aid Acension, 2012 is the year of Archangel Metatron. Made with Chalice well water from Glastonbury, infused with essential oils and crystals and charged under the full moon.

Shake the bottle gently, Spray around the aura, body or into room space. Do not spray into eyes, not to be taken internally.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg